NDRC Released G20 Energy Efficiency Leading Programme (EELP) Plan

On February 14, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) released the G20 Energy Efficiency Leading Programme (EELP) Plan. China has been working on the plan since 2014 and revised it at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou last summer.
The work conducted by participating members under the 2014 EEAP constitutes the foundation for G20 collaborative action on energy efficiency. The EELP covers the existing activities under the EEAP on Vehicles, including heavy-duty vehicles, network devices, finance, buildings, industrial processes (Industrial energy management), and electricity generation. In addition, the EELP expands these work areas to include five new key areas of collaboration: Super-efficient Equipment and Appliances Deployment initiative (SEAD), Best Available Technologies and Practices (TOP TENs), District Energy Systems (DES), Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing Framework, and Energy End-Use-Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics.

By 2030, network devices may represent as much as 6% of total global energy consumption. In this context, the small amount of energy demanded from an individual products to remain ‘connected’ will have very large impacts in terms of energy consumption. Much of that consumption could be reduced through improved energy management. At the same time, efficient networks and network devices have the potential to substantially raise the overall energy productivity of economies.
To take advantages of these opportunities, the United Kingdom and the IEA have led the Network Devices Task Group (NDTG) since 2015, bringing together nine countries of the G20 to identify energy efficiency policy options for network devices.
EELP also made a statement on the long-term pathway and work plan for other key areas, such as Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing Framework, Energy End-Use-Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics, Sharing Best Available Technologies (BATs) and Best Practices (BPs) (TOP TENs).