MIIT Plays Leading Role in OBOR Information Infrastructure Building Initiative

Miao Wei spoke on China’s efforts to build information infrastructure across the region at the Belt And Road Forum (BRF) on Sunday saying that China is leading the way after seeing success in policies like “Broadband China”, “The Village Project”, and the “Internet Plus Action Plan”. Currently, China has the largest 4G network in the world, mobile phone usage exceeds130 million people, the internet adoption rate is 53%, and fixed broadband expands across 95% of the country.
China is committed to strengthening connectivity, and with the Belt and Road Initiative, China plans to build 34 cross-border cables and international sea cables to connect Asia, Africa and Europe. In working closely with ITU and The UN Economic and Social Commission for APAC, China is eager to build information highways throughout Africa and the APAC region. Chinese ICT companies have already entered over 170 different countries to help with basic telecoms infrastructure construction. Some other motivations for this initiative include narrowing the digital divide between countries and promoting internet use and IT adoption across many countries.
Miao Wei also gave 3 recommendations, including improving policy communication, working together to promote innovation, and encouraging multilateral cooperation. China’s foreign policy strategy is to work with other countries to develop polices, standards and management for the internet and emerging technologies. Xi announced China will contribute additional 100 Billion Yuan in capital to the Silk Road Fund to help with future investments in information infrastructure in Belt and Road Initiative countries.